100% satisfaction guarantee
We stand behind our work and want you to be fully satisfied. If you find that the delivered store is not meeting your expectations, you can request revisions or a refund.
To use our guarantee, please notify us within 24 hours of receiving your store if revisions or a refund are required. You can send the request via email (support@starletbay.com.com) or live chat.
Once you accept the store, the full ownership of the store will be transferred to you, and the warranty will no longer be valid.
The warranty is not valid if any of the following conditions are not met:
– Your warranty request was sent more than 24 hours after we sent the store for inspection;
– Your warranty request was submitted after requesting revisions for your store;
– You have been granted staff member/admin access to the store;
– You have received marketing materials, graphics, or social media content.
Please note that in the event of refunds, a payment processing fee of $29 will be deducted from the total refund amount. This fee is charged by our payment processors when we receive your payment.
Other scenarios in which you are eligible to request a refund include:
– If StarletBay is unable to accept or complete your order, you will be eligible for a refund.
Our goal is to deliver your orders as promptly as possible, typically within 3-7 business days. Kindly note that the time spent waiting for your reply does not count towards the duration during which we work on your project, as we have no control over it.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email (support@starletbay.com) or live chat.